Do you make conscious driving choices in the car?
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- Are your choices from your conscious or unconscious mind?
- What are your driving habits when you are not paying attention?
- Making choices from the conscious mind can help keep you making low risk driving choices.
- Conscious choices allow you to respond rather than react to other drivers choices on the road.
- Can you think about the consequences if you make the same choices as other drivers around you?
How do we learn to make conscious choices more often on the road?
- The first step is awareness. Naming emotions. Paying attention to your internal voice.
- You can only have choice when you’re in your conscious mind.
- If you are driving in habit you are making choices from patterns you’ve learnt in the past.
- Triggers: Do you know what triggers you to slip into your unconscious mind? What feeling are you experiencing? What is the meaning you give the action that has happened?
- Intention: What do I want to change this to?
- We owe it to ourselves and others to make active choices.
**Nobody is going to get it right 100% of the time. We are all learning to be better so be compassionate, recognise your pattern and make a new choice.
Before you get in the vehicle
- Rate or reflect on your tension/stress levels.
- If they’re really high don’t drive until you’ve consciously taken a few breaths or calmed yourself down.
Road Safety
Everyone cares about road safety until they hear they may be part of the problem.
- Driver Assess measures your behaviours when driving not your driving ability.
- What you do with information you gain from the assessments is what makes a difference or not.
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