
Being Present: Navigating the Overwhelm of Life from a Proactive Space

How present are you to what’s going on in your life? With things heating up, it’s easy to get caught in your head, in your past, in your patterns, things that take you away from being present. In this episode, Liz and Candice talk about being intentional about how we lead our lives.

Becoming Unstuck: Shift emotions that hold you back in selling / life

There are some things you desire in our lives, and yet you can’t seem to change or take action to get what it is you want. You keep saying you want it, but our actions and behaviors don’t necessarily reflect it.  You appear stuck, what does it take to become unstuck and shift the emotions that hold you back.

Reflecting with Self-love and Kindness | 72

Reflecting with Self-love and kindness makes all the difference. As the year draws to a close, we often look back and reflect on the plans we made at the beginning of the year.

How You Drive is How You Live: Driving Emotional Intelligence | 066

Driving Emotional Intelligence. We all know people – friends, family – we wish would drive differently, with less hostility. Armed with years of research, guest Keith Cunningham unpacks aggressive exchanges on the road.  He discusses the link between aggressive exchanges and our internal stories (driving emotional intelligence) and the link to how we can save …

How You Drive is How You Live: Driving Emotional Intelligence | 066 Read More »

Roots and Wings: Being conscious and intentional with our children | Mark Fraser-Grant | 064

Mark Fraser-Grant, founder, and partner of Beyond Coaching joins host Candice Dick to discuss what it takes to be conscious and emotionally available for your children. What does it take to give our children roots and wings? They explore overcoming some of the obstacles that we don’t even recognise are in our way with regards …

Roots and Wings: Being conscious and intentional with our children | Mark Fraser-Grant | 064 Read More »