Flourishing Family Model with Manuela Berger | 040

Flourishing Family Model with Manuela Berger from Geneva, Switzerland


Manuela developed this model during her Positive Psychology Masters.


  • The principles of this model can be applied to family dynamics as well as any social group of people.
  • The model aims to shift momentum and dynamics in a family, for the better.
  • Flourishing Family Model (FFM) is a 3 tiered visual model, illustrated using circles.


Inner Circle: beliefs and awareness of these beliefs


  • What are the thoughts behind unconscious beliefs?
  • Are these thoughts true? 
  • How do beliefs influence the way we act?
  • Becoming aware of thoughts and beliefs that aren’t useful in order to change them.
  • Becoming aware of self-fulfilling prophecies – beliefs projected onto us by others, which we then subconsciously internalise, giving them life and a false sense of truth, moving away from our true selves


Middle Circle: Self determination theory; all humans have 3 basic psychological needs


  • These needs are interconnected/inter-dependent, therefore they need to receive equal attention in order for an individual to feel fully self-supported.
  • 1. Autonomy: engaging with others and things through choices that are in alignment with our values, interests, personal integrity.
  • 2. Relatedness: feeling connected and accepted; sense of belonging through feeling cared for. Feeling respected and in turn able to behave respectfully towards others, from a place of authenticity. 
  • 3. Competence: stepping into one’s personal power; feeling empowered. Having the confidence to influence a situation, therefore developing willingness to take action or initiative. (ie. providing a safe space for a child to grow; not rushing them when learning to tie a shoelace).


Outer Circle: Emotional Intelligence

  • Are there unpleasant emotions (driven by beliefs) that exist?
  • These show up in behaviour patterns, and can be addressed through enquiry into the beliefs that fuel these emotions.
  • The more we meet the emotional needs of others, the more positive reactions we will experience. 

 Qualities present in a flourishing family

  • Each individual feels they can be themselves.
  • Family members feel connected to each other.
  • Family members easily identify unhelpful beliefs; these are highlighted in cases of extreme reactivity to a situation.


Contact Manuela

For further information on the FFM, or for personal coaching, www.manualaberger.com